Paper pulp processing

Inflotek pulp extraction screen plates outperform traditional plates in a variety of wet process pulp applications including pulpers, detrashing machines and flat screens.

Inflotek uses a proprietary waterjet cutting technology to efficiently perforate flat sheet metal with openings of any pattern and in any orientation.

Better than laser cut-plates

Waterjet is a cold process. Unlike laser cut screens, Inflotek screens do not require machining to remove recast or flatten out plate warping cause by heat plus Inflotek can work with heat-treatable materials for extra-high wear life.

Better than drilled plates

Waterjet is a CNC process. Unlike drilled screens that are limited to round holes, Inflotek screens can have irregular shaped openings offers greater working edge and higher open area. We offer you complete flexibility in screen design to fit your particular pulping application, providing over 40% total open area for maximum defibering and hydraulic capacity. 

Longer wear-life

Inflotek extraction plates last up to 30% longer by offering extreme wear resistant materials combined with heat-treating processes to increase hardness and extend wear-life.  Inflotek extractor plates can be fitted with Stellite® wear strips to further improve resistance to wear.